Purpose of This Blog:

In this Blog, I describe what Deceased MIL from Hell, JB was like, and the rest of the family, other than my hubbie like. My hope is to get out why the two of us did not like each other.

In my other, "Free of JB", linked from the menu, I describe my emotions and other things having to do with her death and after.

JB was "White Trash". You can see this from my second to last posting about the things that I plan to post in the future.

Most of the family is also white trash. Hubbie somehow got out of there. He broke the family tradition of dropping out of school. He completed high school and went on to get other education and get a decent job. This was done over his family's objection. But then when he started earning a decent living, they saw it as him 'raking in the dough'. JB and JB's also deceased husband spent the 25 years that followed trying to get their cut of that dough that as his parents, they were entitled to.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Things That I will Post here

This post is copied from my other blog, freeofJB.blogspot.com.

I wanted to leave that one to have stuff on it about how I am dealing with the death and loss of JB. I created this one so I can talk about the past instead of the present and issues related to JB's moving on to (yet) another dimension
I started this because I wanted to get all out. The following are some subjects that I will touch on.
  • Going out to eat (in public - gasp!)
  • Them visiting my home
  • Disrespect of plans that we already had
  • Condition of their kitchen
  • Setups
  • Medical Crying Wolf
  • Her total envy of me
  • Seven deadly sins
  • Mis-Treatment of niece-in-law (she obviously hates both women who married into the family)
  • Their blatant and unashamed racism - they are proud to be racist
  • Them attending a KKK meeting
  • Using racial slurs against their own biracial great grandchildren (and they got the race wrong on top of it)
  • "Robbing" my Hubbie to pay my SIL
  • Lifestyles after I lost my job in the 1990s - theirs and ours
  • A couple positives
  • Family reunions
  • Late night phone calls
  • What it was like attending the funeral
  • What it was like when she was sick
  • JB flipping me the bird
  • JB making sideways comments about other people which were really comments about me.

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