Purpose of This Blog:

In this Blog, I describe what Deceased MIL from Hell, JB was like, and the rest of the family, other than my hubbie like. My hope is to get out why the two of us did not like each other.

In my other, "Free of JB", linked from the menu, I describe my emotions and other things having to do with her death and after.

JB was "White Trash". You can see this from my second to last posting about the things that I plan to post in the future.

Most of the family is also white trash. Hubbie somehow got out of there. He broke the family tradition of dropping out of school. He completed high school and went on to get other education and get a decent job. This was done over his family's objection. But then when he started earning a decent living, they saw it as him 'raking in the dough'. JB and JB's also deceased husband spent the 25 years that followed trying to get their cut of that dough that as his parents, they were entitled to.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

The Rental Property

 I may have posted this before but cannot find it.

JB's husband bought a piece of property that they were going to rent out.  They got in over their heads.  So he "bought" it from them. Which meant he took out a loan to pay off all of their debts.  Then the next 15 years, he paid the loan payments, paid the insurance and taxes on it, paid all maintenance costs.  His parents were supposed to give him the money for those things.  But of course, they did not. They did get  all of the rent for it.

Then after a fight with his father because his father had let insurance lapse, his father DID find a buyer for it.  When he got the money from the buyer, what didn't go to paying off the rest of the loan he gave to his father.  Why?  "Because I didn't pay them what it was worth when I bought it from them."  Now to be fair, it would have made sense if he'd subtracted EVERYTHING he had put into the property.

I did not argue with him giving that money to his parents.  By selling that property, we had that loan payment off of us, and the other expenses and worry.  The loan payment was almost as much as our house payment and did affect the kind of house we were able to get.  So be it.  I was happy that the property was GONE from us.